***Bid Awarded to PC Solutions & Integration, Inc*** 


RFP Purpose: The School Board of Washington County, Florida solicits your company to submit a bid on the above referenced goods or services. All terms, specifications and conditions set forth in this RFP are incorporated into your response. An RFP will not be accepted unless all conditions have been met. All RFP’s must have an authorized signature in the space provided below. All RFP’s must be sealed and received in the Technology Department by the RFP “Opening Date & Time” referenced above. The official clock for the purpose of receiving RFPs is located in the Technology Department. All envelopes containing sealed bids must reference the “RFP Title”, and the “RFP Opening Date & Time”. The School Board is not responsible for lost or late delivery of RFP’s by the U.S. Postal Service or other delivery services used by the Bidder. Neither faxed nor electronically submitted RFP’s will be accepted. RFP’s may not be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days after the bid opening unless otherwise specified.

LINK TO RFP: https://digitalbell-bucket.s3.amazonaws.com/56965E0C-5056-907D-8DA7-6072B977BEA6.pdf

RFP Release Date: January 25, 2021
RFP Title: Request for Category 2 – Network Infrastructure Equipment
RFP Contact: Dewayne Geoghagan, [email protected]
Deadline for Submitting Questions: February 5, 2021
Proposal Due Date and Time: February 25, 2021, 2:00 p.m. CST
Proposal Opening Date, Time, and Location: February 25, 2021 at 2:05 p.m.; 652 3rd Street, Chipley, Fl 32428

Tentative Award Recommendation Date: March 5, 2021
RFP Submission Address: All proposals must be in a sealed envelope clearly marked “Network Infrastructure Equipment” and be personally delivered or mailed to:
Dewayne Geoghagan
Washington County School District
652 3rd Street
Chipley, FL 32428

Q & A (District Response in Red):

Q1. Are the sites union? 

A. N/A

Q2. Please provide floor plans for each site and building?  

A. Not available for security reasons

Q3. Will cabling be needed? Please provide count, color, Cat5 or Cat6 cable?  

A. No

Q4. What throughput is needed in between buildings and sites?  

A. Sites-N/A; Buildings- Between 1 & 10 bps

Q5. What type of fiber is used between floors, sites, and buildings?

A. Not relevant (cabling is in place)

Q6. Are there multiple floors in school buildings? Will need this information per building and site. 

A. None

Q7. Will we be required to provide decommissioning of old equipment? 

A. No, we will keep

Q8. Are lifts required to reach areas in building to install AP's? 

A. Possibly some or ladder

Q9. Will UPS's or PDU's be needed for the equipment? 

A. No

Q10. Are there any outdoor Access Points needed? I did not see any specified.

A. No

Q11. If stadium and outdoor areas are part of the coverage areas is there cabling to connect the access points or is this a MeshOS Deployment?

A. N/A 

Q12. If they have outdoor wireless?  We will need outdoor parameters. Will need locations of AP’s outside (football stadium or any outdoor locations covered) 

A. No Outdoor Wireless

Q13. Do you have a recent wireless site survey? We recommend doing a pre & post wireless site survey before installing AP's and will be included in the quote. 

A. Not necessary

Q14.Will they also need spare wireless access points? We recommend having some on hand

A. No

Q15. Will you consider hardware only submissions?

A. No

Q16.Will you consider hardware and instrallation without training and service included?

A. No

Q17. In attachment A you specify PCS daily onsite support: can you disclose what specific activities and services are included in the onsite support?

In the past, professional contracted services and support have been provided.  We are wanting to know if you provide on-site and/or phone support.


Q18. Are you able [to] share the weighting of the different categories and how you determine the scale for awarded points?

The category weighting is listed on page 13. Definitions of each category are provided on page 11.  For your convenience, we have provided the information below.


From page 13 of 24:

  • PRICE (30 points maximum) 

  • WARRANTY/REPAIR/RESPONSE (26 points maximum) 

  • STATEMENT OF WORK (25 points maximum) 

  • ADMINISTRATIVE (19 points maximum)


From page 11 of 24: 

PRICE: Pricing from Attachment A. Indicate if additional/replacement equipment will be necessary for the performance of this 470 Project and include equipment specifications and cost. Separate pricing by E-Rate eligible and ineligible. 
WARRANTY/REPAIR/RESPONSE: What preventative maintenance actions are routinely undertaken by the Respondent? Provide brief description and frequency. Describe response priority in relation to other entities. After emergency operations and hospitals, where would the District fall for the expectation of returning to service, bearing in mind the expectation that schools functioning as storm shelters would receive priority. 
STATEMENT OF WORK: The District seeks to have this project operational no later than June 30, 2021. Submit a Statement of Work detailing proposed completion/operational date which may be subject to potential penalties which may, at the District’s discretion include termination or financial penalties if delay is due to Responder, if not operational by the Responder-provided timeline. The plan should include information on how the Responder proposes to ensure a seamless transfer from the existing equipment with minimum downtime and no additional costs. The timeline should reflect information and planning in the event the project is disrupted due to severe weather or other Force Majeure events. Also indicate if there is any lead-time required from issuance of Purchase Order to start of project. Lastly, in the event of contract termination, describe the phase-down process to concurrently run services until transition is complete. 
ADMINISTRATIVE: Indicate acceptance of SPI, Service Provider Invoicing.
Q19. Please give me a detailed description of the instillation request?

A. According to paragraph 3.1 (page 3 of 29 in RFP), "...neither Mr. Geoghagan nor any employee of the District is authorized to interpret any portion of this RPF nor give information as to the requirements of the RFP in addition to that containted in the written RFP document." These items were covered during the walk-through held on Monday, February 8, 2021.

Q20. Are there any man lifts needed to reach any of the access point locations? If so, will the district provide those?

A. Man lifts may be required to complete portions of the installation.  The district will not be providing man lifts for installation.