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Florida students entering grade nine may choose from one of five options to earn a standard diploma. They are

  • 24-credit program*
  • 18-credit, Academically Challenging Curriculum to Enhance Learning (ACCEL) option
  • Career and Technical Education (CTE) Pathway
  • An International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum
  • An Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE) curriculum

Florida's public high school graduation requirements are specified in:

  • Section 1003.4282, Florida Statutes (F.S.), Requirements for a standard high school diploma
  • Section 1002.3105, F.S., Academically Challenging Curriculum to Enhance Learning (ACCEL) options

More detailed information regarding the CTE Pathway option for a standard high school diploma is at

*In addition to the five options available for students to earn a standard diploma listed above, Rule 6A-1.09963, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.), High School Graduation Requirements for Students with Disabilities, outlines two additional options that students with disabilities may complete. These include

  • specific requirements for students with disabilities for whom the individual educational plan (IEP) has determined that participation in the Florida Alternate Assessment is the most appropriate measure of the student’s skills and instruction in the access points is the most appropriate means of providing the student access to the general curriculum.
  • specific requirements for a standard diploma for students with disabilities for whom the IEP team has determined that mastery of both academic and employment competencies is the most appropriate way for the student to demonstrate his or her skills.

For additional information on exceptional student education programs, visit the Bureau of Exceptional Student Education web page.

For more information on local public school district graduation programs, contact the school district.

Secondary Student Progression Plan

Secondary Student Progression Frequently Asked Questions (PDF)

This resource includes the following:

  • Current legislative and Florida Administrative Code requirements;
  • Clarification and technical assistance related to the revision and development of student progression policies and procedures;
  • Helpful links to resources provided by the Florida Department of Education.

Current law requires each district school board to establish a comprehensive program for student progression as well as standards for evaluating each student’s performance ( s. 1008.25, F.S.).

Academic Advisement Flyer - What Students and Parents Need to Know

Standard High School Diploma Designations

Students may earn one or more designations on their standard high school diploma—the scholar designation and the merit designation per s. 1003.4285, F.S. Requirements are listed in the graduation requirements chart.

State Assessments for High School Graduation

Information related to statewide assessment requirements is available in Graduation Requirements for Florida's Statewide Assessments (PDF).

Transfer Students

If a student transfers into a Florida public high school from out of country, out of state, a private school or a home school, the student's transcript is reviewed to determine if the student is required to take a Florida end-of-course (EOC) assessment in accordance with Rule 6A-1.09941, F.A.C., State Uniform Transfer of Students in Middle Grades and High School.

Graduation Program Planning

FloridaShines provides an array of academic advising, career readiness and online learning resources for students and parents. These state-funded academic advising services make it easy for high school students to prepare for college or a career after graduation by enabling them to evaluate their progress toward high school graduation, college and career readiness and Bright Futures scholarship eligibility. In addition, they can explore Florida's college and university offerings (both traditional and online programs), learn about financial aid and apply for admission. Dual enrolled high school students and those in accelerated education programs can even access online library resources used within Florida's colleges and universities.

The Florida Counseling for Future Education Handbook (PDF) is annually updated to provide school counselors and advisors with a comprehensive academic advising resource to guide students with planning for postsecondary education in Florida.