***Bid Awarded to Information Transport Solutions, Inc***


RFP Purpose: The School Board of Washington County, Florida solicits your company to submit a bid on the above referenced goods OR SERVICES. All terms, specifications and conditions set forth in this RFP are incorporated into your response. An RFP will not be accepted unless all conditions have been met. All RFP’s mush have an authorized signature in the space provided below. All RFP’s must be sealed and received in the Technology Department by the RFP “Opening Date & Time” referenced above. The official clock for the purpose of receiving RFPs is located in the Technology Department. All envelopes containing sealed bids must reference the “RFP Title”, and the “RFP Opening Date & Time”. The School Board is not responsible for lost or late delivery of RFP’s by the U.S. Postal Service or other delivery services used by the Bidder. Neither faxed nor electronically submitted RFP’s will be accepted. RFP’s may not be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days after the bid opening unless otherwise specified.

RFP Release Date: January 25, 2021
RFP Title: Request for Proposal for Fiber Optic Upgrades to Support a 10 Gbps Backbone
RFP Contact: Dewayne Geoghagan, [email protected]
Deadline for Submitting Questions: February 12, 2021, 10 a.m. CST
Proposal Due Date and Time: February 25, 2021, 2:00 p.m. CST
Proposal Opening Date, Time, and Location: February 25, 2021 at 2:05 p.m.; 652 3rd Street, Chipley, Fl 32428

Tentative Award Recommendation Date: March 5, 2021
RFP Submission Address: All proposals must be in a sealed envelope clearly marked “Fiber Optic Upgrades” and be personally delivered or mailed to:
Dewayne Geoghagan
Washington County School District
652 3rd Street
Chipley, FL 32428

Q & A (District Response in Red)

Q1. What strand fiter would you like us to quote? I can't seem to find that in the packet.

A. Fiber strand varies anywhere from 3 pair up to 12 pair.  Intent is to upgrade existing fiber with new fiber.

Q2. I have a few questions about the run from the District Office to the Data Center--is there currently conduit in place?

A. Yes, not sure about how much room is available in the existing conduit.

Q3. What type of cable is currently in use between these two buildings?

A. District Office and Data Center fiber is approximately 10 years old (there is no marking on the fiber) and contains approximately 6 pair. 

Q4. What performance or advantage do you need that the existing cable is not delivering? (I assume that the existing cable may not be 10gbps capable, be we'd like you to confirm this for us.)

 A. There may be no advantage or performance needed other than newer/updated fiber.

See RFP Link below