The Washington County District School Board will
consider revising/adopting School Board Policies. You may
click the links below to view the proposed revisions or
pick up a copy at the physical address listed below.

A public hearing to make a DECISION on these
policies will be held on:
Monday, September 9, 2024
5:00 P.M.
The Washington County District School Board
Board Room
750 Sinclair Street, Chipley, Florida
Legal Authority - The Washington County School Board is
authorized under Chapter 1001.43 of the Florida K-20 Education
Code to develop/revise policy and procedures.
Economic Impact -The cost of promulgating these revisions will
be approximately $.50 per document.

Proposed Revisions to Existing Policies

2.24*              Collective Bargaining

3.40*+            Safe and Secure Schools

4.13*+            Dropout Prevention Program

4.22*+            Education Medial Materials Selection

4.24+              Artificial Intelligence Acceptable Use

4.25*              Operation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (Drones)

5.30*+            Student Control

5.343*+          Use of Time-Out, seclusion, and Physical Restraint for Students with


7.71*              Selecting Professional Services

8.10*+            Safety

9.30*+            Use of Facilities



Proposed New Policies

5.24*              High School Equivalency Program and Examination

6.39*              Employee Discipline Policy